- The date of incorporation / registration is not prior to five years;
- Annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 25 crore, for any preceding financial year;
- Such entity is working towards innovation, development, deployment or commercialization of new products, processes or services driven by technology or intellectual property and makes it scalable for achieving commercial success;
- Registered in Odisha or employs at-least 50 percent of its total qualified workforce in Odisha;
- Such entity is not an extension of existing family business; or formed by splitting up or reconstruction of a business already in existence and
- Entity means a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013), or a registered partnership firm (registered under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2002).”
Various benefits are defined in the program, each benefit has its own eligibility critera. As a first step, the startup will have to be recognised as per Odisha Startup Policy.
Yes, an existing entity qualifying the eligibility criteria (as per Question1) can register itself on the Startup Odisha Portal.
- Incorporation certificate
- Proof of innovation as per any of the following:
- DIPP Startup India recognition certificate; or
- Patent filed in the company name and published in the Journal by the India Patent Office in areas affiliated with the nature of business being promoted; or
- Sanction / Assurance Letter of funding / Grant by Government of India or any State Government as part of any specified scheme to promote innovation; or
- Letter of funding of not less than 20 percent in equity by any Incubation Fund/ Angel Fund/ Private Equity Fund/ Accelerator/ Angel Network duly registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India that endorses innovative nature of the business; or
- If an entity doesn’t have any of the above mentioned four documents then they may submit a one page write-up / note explaining innovative nature of the applicant entity. The applicant entities are encouraged to share business plan along with the note on innovation.”
If the entity has a proff of innovation then the recognition takes 7-10 working days at max. In case the inovativeness needs to be validated it take 15-21 days
No, there is no registration fee.
- Monthly allowance of Rs.20,000;
- Product Development and Marketing/Publicity assistance of up to Rs.15 lakh;
- Need based assistance to the recognized Startup towards cost of raw material / components and other related equipment required for the innovative process for the new product development / existing product improvement
- Self compliance under various labour and environment laws.”
No, there is no format for the write-up/note. The note should just explain the innovativenes of the startup.
Yes. On successful registration, you would be able to download a recognition certificate.
No. Incorporation Certificate is a mandatory document while applying for the Startup Odisha Program.
Yes. One Person Companies are eligible to avail benefits under the Startup Odisha Program.
No, a sole proprietor firm is not eligible to avail benefits under the Startup Odisha Program.
Online there will be a provision to edit your application.
Yes, a foreign national can enter into a partnership under LLP Act and get that registered under the Startup Odisha Program.
Funding from a foreign partner will be subject to regulations of FDI. 100 % FDI is allowed in LLP given that LLP operates in business sectors where 100% FDI is allowed via automatic route and there are no performance linked FDI conditions.
A foreign national, NRI and PIO can register itself through MCA or Registrar of Firms using the existing processes and subsequently register itself on the Startup Odisha Portal as a “Startup” to avail the benefits.
- 5 years from the date of its incorporation/ registration, OR
- If its turnover for any of the financial years has exceeded INR 25 crore; OR
- If not incorporated in Odisha and workforce in Odisha falls below 50.0% of total workforce.
- Startups would be required to intimate Startup Secretariat of any such cases within a period of 21 days.”
No. The application has to be submitted online only.
- Monthly allowance of Rs.20,000;
- Product Development and Marketing/Publicity assistance of up to Rs.15 lakh;
- Product Development and Marketing/Publicity assistance of up to Rs.15 lakh;
Monthly Allowance:
- Monthly payment for the first six months will be made directly to eligible startup registered bank account on a monthly basis.
- Six months onward, payment will be released based on the utilization report submitted by the Startup online to the Nodal agency 15 days before completion of first six months.
- Startup shall submit a utilization report which highlights the use of the monthly allowance in the past six month with supporting documents / bills as applicable.
- Payment will be made for a period of one year.
- Startups can only avail this benefit once.
Product Development and Marketing / Publicity Assistance:
- Startup will have to submit a pro-forma plan online (Annexure 5).
- If approved, one-time payment will be made directly to eligible startup registered bank account in advance.
- If approved, 50% of the payment will be made in advance and remaining 50% will be reimbursed.
- The Startup must submit bills for all the expense within one year of receiving the grant.
- Startups are eligible to re-apply for the benefit.
Need based Assistance:
- Startup will have to submit a pro-forma form online (Annexure 6).
- If approved, one-time payment will be made directly to eligible startup registered bank account in advance.
- The Startup must submit bills for all the expense within six months of receiving the grant.
- Startups are eligible to re-apply for the benefit.”
- Universities – which are in existence for at least 5 years or;
- Educational institutions – which are in existence for at least 5 years or;
- Incubators recognised by State or Central Govt. or;
- Industry Group (Corporates / PSU / Industrial Unit) which are in existence for at least 5 year in the state of Odisha and has or building an Incubator to support and mentor Startups in the state of Odisha. “
- One-time grant of 50% of the capital cost (excluding the cost of building) up to a maximum of Rs.1.00 crore to set up incubation facility and such assistance shall be available to Universities/Educational Institutions only. In case, the incubator is able to raise fund from philanthropic organization / alumni/ other private bodies, in such a case the govt. shall match that investment with a matching grant subject to an upper limit of INR 5.0 crore.
- Reimbursement of Rs.1.00 lakh per year for a period of 3 years for providing free internet, free electricity and mentoring services.
- Performance capital grant of Rs.5.00 lakh to be given to incubator for its each incubated successful Startup.”
One-Time Capital Grant:
- Due diligence document (Annexure 8) will be needed to be submitted within 3 months from the date of approval but before the release of first instalment.
- The grant will be disbursed in a phased manner as per the budget plan submitted by the applicant and approved by the Task Force.
- The grant will be disbursed in proportion to the funds brought in by the party, as mentioned in the budget plan and subsequently approved by Task Force
- One-time payment will be made directly to eligible incubator registered bank account in advance.
- The incubator must submit bills for the expense for availing the grant.
Performance capital grant
- One-time payment will be made directly to eligible incubator registered bank account in advance.